Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm having problems uploading photos to my blog. I've been on the phone with tech support for my computer a couple of times, but still don't know what the problem is. I like blogs with PICTURES! 

Still, I've been working on sketches and drawings and thoughts about fabric and quilts. Sometimes I there's so much in my head, I can't get it down on paper fast enough. Then, the issue is trying to get it into fabric! Sometimes that's a problem. I don't always know how to translate what I see in my head to fabric. For some pieces takes years before I can create a piece, because I don't know the technique yet. I keep playing, however, and one day it happens.  So off I go to my studio to sketch, draw, and touch fabric.

I'll continue to work on the photo problem as well.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Thoughts

In Iowa, this has been a difficult summer. Too much rain and violent weather. The largest natural disaster ever experienced by the state. Several towns and cities were devastated by flood waters. 4000 people in Cedar Rapids alone, suffered moderate to severe damage to their homes. FEMA is in the process of moving in about 2000 trailer homes for "temporary shelter" for those who's homes were destroyed. The University of Iowa in Iowa City with more than $275,000,000 worth of damage at last tally and they're not finished yet. The entire town of Oakville is trying to decide whether to try to rebuild or move the town. Some will leave and try to start over elsewhere. The cleanup has just begun. Iowans are a strong and resilient people. When knocked down, we get back up and begin again. This time it's just going to take a little longer to put the pieces back together, and with a few more tears.

If anyone wants to help, they can donote to the National Red Cross Disaster Relief. They're here with many temporary shelters set up around the State, even though they ran out of money weeks ago. Click on the link

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rewards of Summer

In amongst the weeds that seem to make up my gardens, are the rewards for hanging in there through the winter. The Cuckoo-pint has bloomed. It's white flowers giving way to the green berries (very poisonous) which will become red later in the summer.

The daylilies are blooming with their golden heads and deep green foliage. I'm intrigued with the berries of the Cuckoo-pint and fascinated by the rich yellow of the petals of the lilies. There are other wonders in my garden as well, that brighten the landscape with pure color.

And even better, the hummingbirds are back! My favorite little friends that come to visit the feeders placed around the yard and deck. So much energy. So much excitement.