Sunday, April 26, 2009

April is the Cruelest Month - T.S. Eliot

I'm looking out my window at a gray and rainy landscape. Two days ago is was sunny and actually hot. I relished the sun and worked in the garden for the first time. Felt so good to have my hands in the dirt, dividing and transplanting. Then it all changed and we're back to cold and gray. I am glad for rain instead of snow, however. The grass is green and the trees are budding. Daffodils and tulips are in bloom. T.S. Eliot called April the cruelest month, and it can be pretty fickle. Snow, rain, sun; warmth and back to cold. But April also marks the beginning of the new cycle of life and hope. Gray and rain will change to sun and warmth. Birds are gathering nesting materials and the trees will leaf out quickly. Winter birds have gone and summer birds will soon be here, if they're not already. I've been listening for the orioles, but I haven't heard them yet. Only another few weeks before the first ruby throat humming bird will arrive. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the unfolding of Spring.

1 comment:

  1. April will soon be over and we will be basking in the warmth of the sun before you know it!
