Tuesday, June 9, 2009


What inspires each of us to create? It's probably different for each person. For me, it's usually something found in nature, but it can also be an emotional experience, a cause that I believe in, or the plight of others.

Lately, it's about texture. A camping trip to a friend's ranch in Eastern Wyoming has provided much to think about. The first photo is looking up from the bottom of a slot canyon where the water has carved the rock. The visible swirl patterns mark the path of rushing water over the centuries. It's hard to imagine as this is a fairly dry climate - high plains, but when it runs, it runs quickly. The canyon is only about 50 yards in length, and tells a long ago story.

The smooth texture of the rock as it's been carved is wonderful to feel while walking in. It narrows to about 12 inches in some spots, even narrower at the ground forcing one to "walk" on the sides pushing against the rock with feet and hands to move forward.

Then there's pine bark. What wonderful pattern and shifts in color! Different pines have different bark. I found this one to be most interesting.

Now I just need to see what happens when I start playing with art stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Texture and color do it for me. The photos and the blog entry are also very beautiful!
